Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Saturday, January 02, 2010
Yeah, its true. From today, we are officially locked up to pay 30% of my salary for the next 10years to Axis Bank. On the brighter side, we officially own a piece of land in Bangalore from today. Its 30x40 in dimension and is located at the outskirts of south bangalore near to NICE road[Banshankari 6th stage]. Off-late i was thinking of buying an apartment and almosted Zeroed on a 3BHK in Rammurthy Nagar and ended up running away from it, as its going to cost me a lot more than i can currently take. I cannot whole-heartedly say that my decision is right at this point of time, but i somehow feel that spending money on a piece of land is better that spending more money on a reasonable builder where the depreciation supercedes time. If you are planning to buy a piece of land, the following are the things that needs to be considered:
0. Suppose you want to buy a piece of land at a particular place say, Banashankari 3rd block. Go and meet so many Agents and ask them the price of each sqfeet that is currently going on. Tell him that you are planning to buy and wanted to know only the prices. Do not go and see the plot along with the broker at that point of time. Once you get a reasonable idea of on-going price at that area, thats the time where you pick the least priced or reasonably priced and a decent Agent that you have met so-far and visit the plots that he has in store.
1. Always negotiate on the brokerage before you make any deal.
2. Always take 2 legal opinions irrespective of how good the sellers are.
3. Most private banks give 75% of the Agreement value and almost all public banks give 75-80% percent of registered value.
4. Always go for a minimum possible loan from the bank as the interest that you end up paying will be neutralizing the profit that you might make in the future.
5. Pay as much as possible in the first 2 years as most of the bank deduct very little from the principle amount in the first few years.
6. Always look for consistant names and addresses in the documents of the seller. For example in some documents a name like "satyavathi" might be written as "sathyavati or sathyavathi". To avoid confusions in the Demand Drafts that the bank has to prepare and on the final sale deed always confirm with the seller about the names and the bank account details.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Monday, June 16, 2008
From your post i understand that I have been too metaphysical in mine.(Though I thought otherwise).
Okay, let us come to ground realities. You raised a valid question "How many instances does an average man/women spend time in a relationship without having expectations on each other in the world we live in ?" (and yeah, this question applies to Father - Kid,Teacher - Student etc as well)
Zero.Never,indeed. People ,or rather, AVERAGE PEOPLE, always have expectations from their partners.[ Note, I said average, not EXCEPTIONAL, I thought you were trying to reflect on the qualities of EXCEPTIONAL / GREAT /TRUE life partners when "you-stood-in- the-shoes-of-GOD-Himself" and came up with the anology of a doctor,with which I dont agree due to the elememt of egotism in the partner who is playing the role of the doctor.]
Anyways,coming to the Average people,as I said,and as you rightly pointed out,they do "expect".Now the questions worth asking are "How many expectations can a person have from their partners?", "what kind of expectations?" , "How many expectations can actually be met by normal,average people like themselves ?" "Is this expectation one way or Does the other partner also have a right to expect? what if the other partners expectations clash with the former's expectations?" What if one partners expectations are actually harmful for the other partners self,even though the former is well intentioned ( but he doesnt know it).who should comply? why?
These are all practical questions and they beg an answer.
let us take an example. A father wanted to be a doctor but due to circumstances he couldnt.He expects his son to be doctor.but the son yawns and sleeps off in biology class.His soul is interested in reflecting nature and capturing its essence in heartful poems.These are the facts of the situation.Solid hard core facts.Is the father wrong in his expectation? he only wanted his son to be successful in future, infact more successful than himself.Is the Son wrong in his so called disobedience?
More often than not, average people expect the other people to satisy their needs by proxy.Just as the parents in the example expected the revival of their lost dreams through their Son's life. An youngster might expect his parents to feed him even long after his college.A husband might flaunt his trophy-wife before his elite friends and earn social acceptance points.These examples which i used belong to one category of expectations which are widely seen in our society, we even have a name for this class,PARASITIC.Sadly few recognize the crime associated with them.Expecting other people to satisfy our needs , not acknowledging their potential individuality (though latent) and in the process crushing their spirit by imposing authority, inducing guilt,know-it-all-podium-preaching,better-than-thou-snubbing, emotional black mailing,physical abuse or other forms of psychological manipulation is criminal, if not downright evil.
If expectations roughly sound, "I am unhappy and its your duty to make happy" or "I want you to live my life and abide by my rules" or "You exist to make me look good " or on a serious note "I dont care if you are a tortoise, I expect you to scooba dive" we are walking rough terrain indeed.
Now if we limit ourselves to the wedlock relationship,which is between two mature individuals who are not physically dependant on each other for survival.The only valid expectation would be that of acceptance.Where there is no acceptance,how can there be love? how can I bare my soul and for a moment be my authentic self before my life partner when I know that she is going to crib about it? when she doesnt accept my whole being but only a part of me, that tiny part which exists only to serve me as a social face? How can I trust and let go? If I cant live fully even before the person who is most dear to me , how can I live at all? How can I ever be free of this prison of "expectations"?
This requires trust. Trust requires unconditional acceptance(from both partners) and this acceptance culminates in love. Interestingly,due to some strange reason beyond my comprehension,when one is loved ,more often than not,the beloved is intrinsically motivated to please the lover,and even more strangely,in the situations where there is a conflict of opinions,the beloved's disaggreement is pleasing to the lover.[for it is her best interest that he holds most dear in his heart,or so I presume.]
This is the best and PRACTICAL gift a person give to another, be it to a friend, a parent , a kid or a life partner : If you love, let go. [you will be glad you did]
PS : Just because something is "average" doesn't mean it is healthy ,normal and should be taken for granted or worse, followed !!! Average is just that. AVERAGE.
A doctor listens to understand and cure the PROBLEM, while a partner listens to understand and honour the PERSON.A doctor cares, while a partner "LOVES".A doctor cures,A partner nurtures.A doctor gives due consideration , a partner provides acceptance.A doctor sympathises, A partner empathises.
In a doctor patient relationship,people communicate to the point.With a life partner, people commune the depths of their being.just in case I forget, speaking of responsilbility, in a doctor patient relationship, the doctor might well assume responsibility for the result of the treatment but never for the pathology (cause of the problem) of the patient.In a life partner relationship, the problem is not individual, responsibility for the cause as well as the solution is shared.The absolute infallibility of one parner who fixes the other is a (egotistic)delusion and it exists and perpetuates itself only in the mind of the fixer-partner in question.
In a doctor/patient relationship, there are two people with a situation.In a Life Partner relationship there is ONE FAMILY with a situation.As an underscore, I want to stress that a doctor is above the patient whereas the life partners are equals.
Interestingly, to quote a parrallel, A good teacher teaches his students "efficiently" but Great teachers always allow themselves to learn from thier students.They know that children are not vessels to filled (with knowledge) but lamps to be lit.The great teacher approaches the child with humility because they know that when the lamp is lit, more often than not, it is the teacher himself who benifits by the light it sheds.Similarly a good doctor cures the patient of any sickness,but a great doctor humbly leads the patient to discover the sacred place of healing deep within the patients themselves.A great life partner knows that his life partner is divine.When he listens, he does not do it with doctor-like-pride over his superiority.He listens with the humility-of-a-devotee and ASSISTS her in manifesting her hearts desires, and SERVES her in her evolution of becoming an authentic human being ,which by the way , is the only reason for any human relationship(father,mother,child,-friend,wife,husband etc) to exist in the first place.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I describe a good doctor as the
One who listens to his/her patient carefully,
observe the symptoms,
analyzes patients Physically and mental State of mind,
and then
suggest medicine and/or course of action to get back to his/her normal life.
Moreover, a good doc takes responsibility of the after effects of treatment he /she did.
I believe, listening with full attention is one of the most valuable aspects of human life, coz it directly affects any relationship that you are part of. If you are not a good listener, i believe the other party will consider you as a companion to spend sometime but you can never be a part of his/her life.
A relationship is always a package. It is always a bundle of things that might include some obligations that you have to take on yourself, some extra-effort and time to spend with each other, giving importance to the right thing when you have "n" important things in your calender just like a doctor spends variable amount of time and effort with some of his/her patients among "n" patients.
Any relationship will go no longer if we don't clearly understand others state of mind. Conversations can easily land on "Forbidden Zones" ruled by the Gods of destruction, if you don't or can't estimate the partners state both physically and mentally. One should always be careful in analyzing what made he/she to say, to feel, to express things that they did. I hope one can map why a good doctor need to be capable of the understanding the things right.
After doing all the above things, the course of action can be a "Simple Silence suggesting NO COMMENTS" or can be a piece of advice that would eventually help or simplify things sooner. Whatever happens as a result of your action, in a relationship, the partner finds him/her-self
responsible for it. A good doctor always feels responsible for his patients progress back to his/her normal life.
I bet, you and i myself can, question the validity of the above theory. The only reason i posted it here is because i find a "doctor" to be easily comparable for a partner in any good relationship against the rest of the careers that we choose in our day2day life.
PS: Views expressed are completely NOT followed by me as the post was written when i was standing in the shoes of GOD which i do only when i write a blog entry.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
My 24hours goes something like this, wake up early in the morning, try to go for a jog if i woke up early. Get back to house, get ready and run to the office thinking that today i am going to prove to the world, how specially able am I. Once reached, i take breakfast in the office, followed by a cup of coffee and i say to myself that i will be solving that DDTS and respond to some important mails that i knew the answers for. After a long day of sky-larking aspirations feeded with not-so-used-to-intelligence mind, i get back home for dinner which my lovely wife makes it ready and tasty on time, though she too might have reached home after a tiresome day at work. I read some mails in blr-masala and try to learn some new things which i think will let me change the world, which i am actually supposed to have learnt in my Engineering. Then i try to go to bed and my mind will take over myself, gifting me a wonderful sleepless night. I am a hero, i dont give up things so easily, i wait till my mind gets exhausted with the kind of thought processing it does and then i faint into some darkcorners of my mind resting in peace. Alarm rings and i start my day with the first instruction set to my thinking of going for a jog.
Life became routine, normal which i never liked or hoped it to be. I want to do something different, something remarkable, something important and finally something special. You can see now how my mind takes over me, myself & sarat.
Miss'in u...!
Everyday i want to fly stay by my side,
Everyday i want to dream stay by myside.
Every morning i wish i could just play,
Wish the mornings which will stay..
do dong dong dong....!
Wishing me success...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Have you ever imagined yourself dreaming roughly for about 8 hours. Looks difficult isnt it.. I had it last night... i slept at 10PM, from then on-wards till 8AM in the morning... as far as i know... i was just dreaming... one of the dreams had myself stuck in Tsunami and had no-where to hide... and in the rest, i vaguely remember, i was running away after being chased by someone... uuuh.. dreams and reality doesnt differ at all when you are dreaming... the dream-pain is as good as the real pain, similar experiences of dream-sorrow, dream-happiness, dream-hatred, dream-love... anything and everything... makes you stranded, unable to differentiate between those two. My concern is... if what i said is really real.. then... what are the chances that the reality that i think is actually a dream.. even it is a dream... whose dream is it.. is it mine or am i a part of someone else's dream.. what would happen to me if i am a part of some dream...what will happen to me if that dreamer wakes up abruptly or sometime in the middle.. expecting that his normal wakeup will have completed my entire life cycle and i will be dead... lots of questions... no answers... may be the reason why people say to enjoy each moment of your life as if it is the last..coz you never know when he/she/?? wakes up...!